Reading time: 14 – 16 minutes, by: Hugo Pilate & Yuri van Bergen

    The gaming industry has seen an incredible boost over the past 20 years. This growing appetite for digital experiences has also led to the diversification of what falls under the increasingly fluid category of “video games.” Outside of the typical gunning, e-sports, or strategy games, formats like walking simulators and vast open world games have emerged that demand very different commitments from their players

    Although the connection may not seem so evident at first, there is much to learn from the world of gaming (the games themselves but also the player communities that have grown around them) when thinking of radically reducing the carbon footprint of the housing stock and other renovation strategies. Especially when trying to identify innovative means of improving the liveability of our cities or coping with (energy) poverty. Gamers are regularly challenged to rally other players behind a common cause, to take part in meticulous inventory management and optimization. But also to project themselves, imagining the repercussions of their decisions in varying scenarios.

    So why write an extensive article on ‘How can gaming culture challenge social design and home renovation?’ For that answer we have to go back a few decades in time.

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